




Pedal & Post – Christmas Light festival lanterns, delivered to your door in Oxford!

We've been so busy since the lockdown began in what seems like an age ago now back in March/April time however we're hopefully going to catch up with some of the awesome things we've been upto!

We were approached by Fusion Arts who are offering a Willow and Tissue lantern making kit to create one small lantern with LED light for this year's Oxford Christmas Light Festival! We've partnered up to offer a next day delivery solution all emission free by cargo bike!

Join in the Oxford-wide celebration on your doorstep! which is happening on the upcoming weekend

You can order yours HERE and we'll deliver it next day where possible

This year, Oxford's Christmas Light Festival is coming to you! Instead of a city centre lantern parade we want you to illuminate your streets and your communities with handmade lanterns. The weekend is a wonderful chance to come together as a community, and give thanks for the many acts of kindness shown over the last six months.


How to get involved?
Over the festival weekend simply display your creation on your doorstep or in your window and sign up to be added to a map of local light trails. Then hit the street (keeping to guidance on social distancing of course) and see what everyone else has made!


Find out more about this year's Christmas Light Festival >> www.oxlightfest.com