




94% of people would prefer a cargo bike to deliver their parcel vs a van

So for a bit of fun we ran a poll on twitter asking exactly this question, which would you prefer arrived outside your doorstep to deliver your parcel? although we where a little bias in our question, but as we couldn’t fit all the benefits of using a cargo bike in 140 characters we felt it was impartial… totally.

I don’t think it broke far out of our echo chamber really which consists mainly of cycle friendly people but it was fun to run none the less as 190 people voted on it. I’d be interested why the 6% chose the van though. As far as congestion, air pollution and road safety goes there is no logical reason to choose a van, at least that i can think of…

Poll result van vs bike

We intend to keep doing what we are doing anyway though and thank you to everyone who joined in.