We’ve not done one of these ever! but thought this would be a good way to keep track of and follow the developments of our platform for our clients, customers and even riders. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes working closely with the software team developing the platform.
Many will know we’ve used 2-3 platforms off the shelf in the past which did okay but didn’t cover all the features we needed for the three main areas we cover, so we’ve been building it from scratch with the team from … (well we’ll update the name of the software when it gets released to all to use as a white label service).
Last mile – National carriers drop off parcels to us and we deliver the last mile into the city of Oxford using cargo bikes
Same day / Multi-drop – Delivering something from point A to point B locally including multi-drop routes
First mile – Collections and forwarding them nationally and internationally (coming soon)
The fantastic team behind our platform have released a new update, more details are below:
Website design – This is set to be totally overhauled over the coming months to include a number of exciting new features as we look to offer our services to guest users with pre-payment options including a quote bar on our main website!
*Driver’s Efficiency Report *– This report is a big one for us. This is our way of performance monitoring our couriers for Last Mile & Same Day deliveries. This way we can then set targets, goals and really monitor, measure and improve our services as well as being used to set managerial goals and team goals for the weeks/months ahead. We aren’t big fans of individual competition as we always pitch in together at Pedal & Post and complete all jobs as a team. As we don’t have the option of accepting or declining jobs, we complete them all to a high standard as we employ all our couriers on the living wage, which sets us apart from other courier companies whilst providing a high quality of service.
for blog reports
Ability to generate Credit and Debit Note Voucher – Inevitably although we aim to provide a perfect solution and last year only had 3 enquires we ended up replacing, we now do this via invoice so its clearly displayed.
Saving Quotes and share it via email – Many of you have asked for quotes on delivery jobs, we can now do this with ease and send them to you via email. We can then re-use the already saved quotation for further booking allowing for a more streamlined process.
For blog post2
*List of Fixes*
Merging Last Mile Jobs to already existing routes – This will help with our routing process as we generate greater volumes.
Duplicate pinpoints issue, after withdrawing and assigning the same route
to the same driver
These fixes below are more for the office and riders to improve our office and app views
User login/logout Issue on Idriver
User name visibility issue on Idriver
Load wheel issue fixed while Importing the retail sheet
Address Line 1 and postcode visibility on the google map at office
Speed issue while loading bulk jobs in retail section
to our desktop booking app that gives you more access to info around your job and your courier than ever before, so you know exactly what your courier is doing and when
As ever, if you have any feedback do let us know. You can always give us a cal We love hearing from you